The OECD Education Working paper on promoting inclusive education for diverse societies underlines the importance of building equitable and inclusive education systems

The OECD Education Working paper on promoting inclusive education for diverse societies underlines the importance of building equitable and inclusive education systems


In many countries, schools and classrooms are becoming increasingly diverse along a variety of dimensions, including migration; ethnic groups, national minorities, gender identity and sexual orientation.

To navigate this diversity, adopting a multidimensional and intersectional lens could help education systems promote equity and inclusion in education and foster the well-being and learning of all students.

Such an approach is promoted by TUTOR project that aims at creating partnerships of teacher education and training providers in order to set up Teacher Academies that will foster holistic inclusivity in learning environment, covering all its aspects such as tolerance and non-discrimination.

The OECD Education Working paper on promoting inclusive education for diverse societies underlines the importance of building equitable and inclusive education systems


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